If you're looking to increase brand awareness through Facebook advertising, you're in the right place.
In this post, we'll share 7 Facebook brand awareness campaign ideas that actually work.
What Should Brand Awareness Ads Do?
Before we dive into the campaign ideas, let's briefly discuss what brand awareness ads are and what they aim to do.
Brand awareness ads are designed to find the audience most likely to recall your advertising campaigns.
The goal of these ads is to get your target audience to become familiar with your brand so that they're more likely to think of you when they're ready to make a purchase.
Think of brand awareness ads as the first step in your sales funnel.
They're not designed to generate immediate sales but rather to get people interested in your product or service so that they'll consider buying from you down the road.
Reach Vs Impressions
Whenever you create any Facebook ad campaign you are looking to increase either the overall reach of your brand or ad recall through increased impressions.
As a rule of thumb, your reach campaigns will have a lower sales volume than your impressions campaigns which can retarget new visitors who have not purchased.
As you develop your brand awareness strategy keep this in mind.
Are you looking to increase brand awareness for people who have never heard of your brand? If so then you are looking to run a reach Facebook campaign.
Or are you looking to retarget existing visitors who may have only heard of your brand once? In this case, you are looking to run a brand awareness campaign for impressions.
To learn more about reach vs impressions you can read my blog post, which covers reach vs impressions.
5 Facebook Brand Awareness Campaigns
The following brand awareness campaigns can be used to reach new audiences or increase impressions of your brand.
1. Use Audiences From Other Sources
One way to increase brand awareness on Facebook is through retargeting.
If the goal of your marketing strategy is to increase brand awareness through impressions using UTM's to retarget visitors from other reach campaigns like AdWords is an excellent way to increase ad recall.

If you have both retargeting and brand awareness campaigns, consider adding the UTM Campaign to target only new visitors.
2. Run Facebook Video Ads
The goal of your brand awareness ad is to increase the time spent on your ad.
Studies show that the longer your audience spends on your ad or site. The more likely they are to recall your brand.
Facebook video ads are an excellent way to measure your Facebook brand awareness campaign.
If the goal is to increase the time spent watching your video you can run two different video ads to see which video ad style aligns with your audience and brings more people to the site.
There are two ways to measure the success of your brand awareness video ads.
The first is through UTM's in Google Analytics. You can use the campaign UTM to view the customer journey of your two different video ads.
The second is through the length of time watched by video ad. You can find this in your ads manager.

Select the columns drop-down and choose the video engagement report.
3. Use Facebook Live To Repurpose Content To Other Social Media Channels
Another brand awareness campaign you may find success with is Facebook Live.
Facebook live is a great way to connect with your target audience and create content that can be used on other social media channels.
After you go live on Facebook, download your recording and play that on Youtube or cut it up and use it on Tik Tok.
If you are repeating the same message every Live. Consider repurposing the Facebook live video to become a webinar.
4. Use Carousel Or Collection Ads To Share Your Product Selection
You can boost the CTR of your Facebook brand awareness campaigns by using Carousel and Collection ads.
These Facebook ad campaigns show your target audience a collection of similar products; this gives you more chance of catching your audience's attention and having them remember your brand.

5. Partner With Influencers To Increase Reach For Facebook Brand Awareness Ads
Influencers have a large following on Facebook and can help you reach a wider audience. If you partner with an influencer, they can share your content with their followers, helping you to increase brand awareness.
You can then use the existing post from the influencer's Facebook page as a sponsored post. All you need to do is request access to run an ad from your Facebook ads manager.

You will need access to their Facebook Page and Instagram account assets.
Boost Brand Awareness Campaign ROI With The Facebook Brand Awareness Campaign Objective
If you are looking to run brand awareness campaigns through Facebook you should run these ads using the Facebook brand awareness campaign objective.

This campaign objective is designed specifically for your Facebook brand awareness ads. Use this objective to get the most from your brand awareness ad spend.
How To Measure Your Facebook Brand Awareness Campaigns
Once you have launched your Facebook ads campaigns how do you measure success?
One way to measure success is to measure ad recall lift.
Ad recall lift is the number of people who see your ad and then recall your brand later. The ad recall lift metric is available through Facebook insights.
To get started measuring your brand awareness campaigns you will need to create a custom audience of people who have seen your ad and then measure the lift.
1. Go to your Facebook ads manager.
2. Create a new custom audience.
3. Select people who have seen your ad
4. Measure the ad recall lift
You can also measure brand awareness through surveys. You can either use an online survey tool or create your own brand survey test to ask people about their brand recall. Be sure to target your survey to people who have seen your ad.
When you are measuring brand awareness it is important to keep in mind that this is a long-term metric. You should not expect to see results overnight, but rather over weeks or months.
Tips For Creating Effective Facebook Brand Awareness Campaigns
1. Keep Your Ads Relevant
Make sure that your brand awareness ads are relevant to your target audience. The more relevant your ads are, the more likely people are to remember your brand.
2. Use Eye-Catching Images
Use images that are appealing to your brand awareness target audience and will grab their attention. Bright colors and bold images tend to work well for this purpose.
3. Use A Call-To-Action
Make sure to include a call-to-action in your ad so that people know what you want them to do. Without a call-to-action, your ad may be forgotten about.
4. Test, Test, Test
As with every Facebook ads campaign, it is important to test different versions of your ad to see what works best. Try different images, call-to-actions, and copy to see what resonates with your target audience.
5. Monitor Your Results
Monitor your results so that you can see how your brand awareness campaign is performing. Make sure to adjust your campaigns accordingly to get the most out of your investment.
Run Brand Awareness Ads And Drive More Revenue
There you have it! Brand campaigns can be an amazing way to generate brand awareness and reach new customers for your business.
For more Facebook brand awareness campaign ideas and help with their setup book a call.