We have our first month of Q1 under our belts. If you are running Facebook ads you may be contemplating turning these off or reducing your budget.
However, completely discontinuing Facebook ads in 2023 can be detrimental to your company in the long term.
Here are four reasons why you should continue running Facebook ads in 2023.
Facebook's Size Can Still Get You In Front Of Customers
Facebook is still one of the largest social media companies with close to 2.93 Billion daily active users. If you are looking to grow your business getting in front of these Facebook users can help your business expand.

A Change In Campaign Objective Can Boost Visitors To Site
"But my conversion objectives are no longer bringing in sales!"
Consider running campaigns that are higher up the funnel to drive traffic from the massive DAU that Facebook has.
Remember this formula...
Visitors X AOV X Conversion Rate = Revenue
Higher intent traffic is great, but if you can't track it bringing in visitors from higher up the funnel to your website and then measuring the impact on conversion rate and AOV can help you scale your business.
Drive Traffic During The Low Periods
Businesses will spend less during Q1 than Q4... no duh.
Create a plan to drive these Facebook users to your site and either captures them as leads or pixel them 180 days out from Q4.
Then if you need to cut the budget, you can cut during Q4.
Only do this if you know your email or SMS lists conversion rate to sale during Q4.
This will provide a rough outline of where you will end in revenue during Q4.
Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind
Running your advertising throughout the entire year even if it's a fraction of what you have run in the past enables you to connect with and engage with potential consumers.
Tweak Your Strategy For 2023
Stopping your Facebook ads in 2023 can be a huge mistake for your business. Instead, consider tweaking your campaigns to capitalize on the large audience of Facebook users, drive traffic during the low periods, and keep customers engaged throughout the year.
Doing so can help you reach new heights with your company before Q4 arrives. With these strategies in hand, you can capitalize on the massive user base and grow your business in innovative ways.
In my next post, we will focus on several reasons why you should stop running Facebook ads. Follow on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to stay in the loop.